By M. Isi Eromosele
Marketing’s role has been marginalized in many companies.
Instead of performing its role as the architect and driver of business strategy, marketing
is at the mercy of an unwieldy mix of marketers, operations people and financial
The result is a huge number of companies whose profits
consistently fall below expectations. Too many are committing some common marketing
mistakes, which in the end keeps them from succeeding.
Finding New Opportunities
An effective way to find new promising opportunities is to
set up a system for stimulating the flow of new ideas from employees and marketing’s
partners throughout the firm. Employees,
vendors and partners with new ideas would submit them to an Idea
Companies need to make use of the alternative
idea-generating process known as lateral marketing, relational thinking of a product
vis-à-vis another product or service.
The lateral marketing concept has great potential to create new product
categories and new markets.
Deficient Marketing Planning Process
Three major signs indicate that your company’s marketing
planning process is deficient.
First, your marketing plan format doesn’t carry the right
components or logic. Namely, your marketing plan is missing clear and compelling
statements of objectives, strategy and tactics.
Second, your marketing plan lack a strategy for simulating
the financial implications of alternative strategies. An effective marketing
plan needs to incorporate sales-response functions and cost functions that
estimate the likely results of any combination of changes in product features,
price, advertising, sales promotion and sales force size.
And finally, your plan lack contingency planning. Many
companies do not plan for some major contingencies. For example, if the economy suddenly dips
into a recession, how would the company adapt?
Product and Service Policies Need Tightening
Large companies are recognizing that a small percentage of
products usually account
for a large amount of their sales and profits. Companies
continue to add products more
readily than they remove them, and then in an effort to
rectify the situation, wipe out a
whole swath of products to thin their product line and
increase profitability. This usually
takes plan arbitrarily.
Additionally, too many services are given away free, when
they could have produced revenue. There is also too little cross-selling since companies
that sell a range of products and services tend to do a poor job of selling other
items in their portfolio beyond what’s specifically requested by the
The first solution is to establish a product tracking and
evaluation system. Such a system will allow companies to see which products are
making the most money. Most companies have a group of products that is called
core or power brands, which hold the key to their market success. These
products have great growth potential if they are marketed appropriately.
The second solution is the establishment of a pricing
structure. Companies want to avoid giving away products and services that
customers are willing to pay for. They should also avoid giving away free items
that customers don’t use or value.
Both situations are a waste of money and resources. Instead,
different customer segments should be identified to determine who have to pay
for services and at what price level.
Third, sales processes should be improved to accommodate
cross-selling. This can be achieved by segmenting the company’s products and
services so the salespeople know how they inter-relate and complement each
Resolving not to commit these and other marketing mistakes
will help your company’s marketing department develop and implement plans that would succeed in the marketplace.
Marketing’s true role is that of driving business strategy,
but that can’t be fully realized if your company can’t find new opportunities, your company’s
marketing plan and planning process are not integrated and if the company’s
product and service policies need tighter discipline.
M. Isi Eromosele is the President |
Chief Executive Officer | Executive Creative Director of Oseme Group - Oseme Creative | Oseme Consulting | Oseme Finance
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